Socks on a Rooster

When you step out of your vehicle at the Palatial Sealey Doublewide Estate, you cannot miss the fact that we have a plethora of random things strewn about the yard.  You may mutter to yourself, “Wow, I never knew the Sealeys were this trashy.”  We are.  The grounds […]

She Didn’t Write

She didn’t write. “The secret,” said all the authors she admired, “is to write every day, even if it’s not good. Write and you will become a writer.” She didn’t write. She bought all the books on writing. Plot, characterization, style. There was a book for every possible […]

Edna Trades Up

This was done for the NYC Midnight Short Story Challenge.  I was assigned to write a fantasy involving a day trader in night school.  This is a story I would never have written if not for the encouragement of friends and spouse.  We had eight days to write. […]

Crafty Business

Might step on some toes today. Don’t care. Tra la la. Today we will discuss why this Mother’s Day card I made cost $674.82 and my immortal soul. Do you like the card? It’s not really my style, but my mother loves it. I put a picture of […]

The Snipe Hunters

In honor of the coming of summer and time spent outside in pursuit of lightening bugs and toasted marshmallows, I bring a tale that may or may not have taken place in real life. The Snipe Hunters           A small, scared, uncertain piping spread through the crisp fall […]

The Selfie

I celebrate myself, and sing myself, And what I assume you shall assume, For every atom belonging to me as good belongs to you. I loafe and invite my soul, I lean and loafe at my ease observing a spear of summer grass.           […]

Incident at a Turkey Shoot

Rednecks, alcohol, and firearms – truly a heady mix.  It was my first season experiencing the rural tradition of the turkey shoot.  Always having seen mysterious, often misspelled signs advertising turkey shoots, I had to ask Spouse to describe what, exactly, a turkey shoot is.  I was beginning […]